A downloadable soundtrack

Hi there! It's been a long time since I've done anything on this site, and my God is it still as stressful to submit on time lol.

This is my submission for the OST Composition Jam #7 by Lone Rabbit. Sorry if some of the tracks are a bit repetitive or boring, I joined pretty late (literally three days left lol) so I didn't really have enough time to get creative and I still wanted to tell a proper story.

I based my tracks off of some music from Undertale and Pokemon (although that's probably pretty obvious if you've heard the songs)

I'm really excited to see what everyone else made and thank you for checking out my submission! If you have any feedback or criticism please tell me in the comments. I'm pretty proud with how my tracks turned out but I know there is a lot that can be improved.

Have a great day :D


Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt78eteQlu7KR14-N6gxHGr2iWTqUZ6uR

SoundCloud Album: https://soundcloud.com/mice-or-mouses-173110123/sets/dream-of-mine-ost

(I recommend you use the youtube/soundcloud playlist instead of downloading so you don't waste your time)


Dream of Mine 01 - The Past is Best Cherrished (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.8 MB
Dream of Mine 02 - Hellen's Hello! (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.3 MB
Dream of Mine 03 - Home Away From Home (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.8 MB
Dream of Mine 04 - Welcome Home (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.4 MB
Dream of Mine 05 - Nightmare Fight (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.9 MB
Dream of Mine 06 - Hellen's Goodbye (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1 MB
Dream of Mine 07 - Out of Town (MiceOrMouses).mp3 2.9 MB
Dream of Mine 08 - Unnecessary Tension (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1 MB
Dream of Mine 09 - Your Unfathomably Furry And Friendly Sheep Friend, Sheepie (MiceOrMouses).mp3 974 kB
Dream of Mine 10 - Sheepville! (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.3 MB
Dream of Mine 11 - Cave Exploring (MiceOrMouses).mp3 2.6 MB
Dream of Mine 12 - Feeling Watched (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.2 MB
Dream of Mine 13 - Yourself. (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.8 MB
Dream of Mine 14 - RUN! (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.5 MB
Dream of Mine 15 - A Place Mysteriously Located in a Far side of the Cave (MiceOrMouses).mp3 3.1 MB
Dream of Mine 16 - More Unnecessary Tension (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1,020 kB
Dream of Mine 17 - Your Unusually Furious And Fierce Sheep Enemy, Sheepy (MiceOrMouses).mp3 3.8 MB
Dream of Mine 18 - Best of Friends (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1,004 kB
Dream of Mine 19 - Dream Factory (MiceOrMouses).mp3 2.1 MB
Dream of Mine 20 - Elevator Bop (MiceOrMouses).mp3 1.3 MB
Dream of Mine 21 - Echoes From a Hopeful Reality.mp3 3.5 MB
Dream of Mine 22 - Fight Yourself (MiceOrMouses).mp3 4.1 MB
Dream of Mine 23 - One Last Goodbye (MiceOrMouses).mp3 3.4 MB

Install instructions

1.) Press the big download button

2.) Enjoy :D


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(Wow, that's a ton of tracks. Forgive me if it's a tiny bit less detailed than my other reviews!)

(I write these live as I listen!)

1 - The Past Is Best Cherished - 3.8 stars

A joyful sounding intro. Starts sounding a bit more dramatic.. now the piano's going louder! Lovely composition. My only dislike.. not enough range in the frequencies! I wanted to hear some low notes in this track! It's lovely though!

2 - Hellen's Hello - 3.5 stars

Haha.. I know what track this references. Nothing against some inspiration - you made it sound good! Docking a very small amount for creativity though.. sorry!

3 - Home Away From Home - 4 stars

Beautiful! I love a good waltz. A good chord progression too! A finer instrument selection than the others as well.

4 - Welcome Home - 4 stars

So joyful and familiar, like a little music box! Very simple!

5 - Nightmare Fight - 4.5 stars

WOAH!! It comes at you all at once! Cymbal is a bit loud compared to the other stuff, and I'd love more clarity on that snare. Absolutely sick though! Feels like an N64 boss battle..

6 - Hellen's Goodbye - 4 stars

Very emotional and simplistic. This chord progression always gets me, haha

7 - Out Of Town - 4.3 stars

A slightly different feel than the rest! Another track with more variety in instruments. And, another waltz! Lovely!

8 - Unnecessary Tension 3.8 stars

Orchestral Hit melody feels a little off.. but then when the other instruments kick in the tension really sets in.

9 - Your Unfathomably Furry And Friendly Sheep Friend, Sheepie - 4 stars

Another time where I recognize the inspiration haha.. what a goofy track. Very silly.

10 - Sheepville - 3.8 stars

Keeps the motif of the last one! Goofy as ever :)

11 - Cave Of Dreams - 4.5 stars

So spooky, yet has that classic inspirational chord progression :) Love the little droplets, it really sells the idea of a cave

12 - Feeling Watched - 4 stars

Wow.. very very spooky. Feels like disc 11 with those little block placing-like sounds

13 - Yourself - 3.5 stars

Another dark track. Super dissonant, but that dissonance is used to your advantage. It works pretty well.

14 - RUN - 4.5 stars

Definitely makes you want to RUN.

15 - A Place Mysteriously Located in a Far side of the Cave - 4 stars

Keeping to that cave theme with more droplets. It works well! Similar to the other cave track. Love the delayed melody synth once again.

16 - More Unnecessary Tension - 4

Better executed than the other tension track.

17 - Your Unusually Furious And Fier - 4.8 

Wow, what a shift! The composition is absolutely sick in here! So dramatic!

18 - Best of Friends - 3.8

Back to that sheep theme again :) Funny and silly

19 - Dream Factory - 3.5 

Very simplistic intro. A little bit dissonant as it goes on!

20 - Elevator Bop - 5

Haha, I really do feel like I'm on an elevator! My favorite so far. Such a cool track. Favorite so far. Love the sound effects.

21 - Echoes From a Hopeful Reality - 4

Love this chord progression! It is a little bit hopeful, but some chords make it feel a little more dreadful!

22 - Fight Yourself - 4.5

Love this chord progression once again! The orchestration is sick, these instruments work nicely together. The energy is focused and booming!

23 - One Last Goodbye - 3.8

Another joyful thing, this time a little more simplistic. Nice work!

Overall - very soundfonty haha. I can feel the effort put into this! (Was just a little hard to listen due to its length.. haha.)